
Navigating the Complexities of Criminal Justice

Navigating the intricate nature of criminal justice can be a difficult and complex process for anyone, including lawyers. Hiring an experienced attorney to support your defense strategy may prove invaluable in challenging any evidence presented by prosecutors and creating a solid defense strategy against charges brought by them.

As most participants – from magistrates and police officers to workers in the welfare sector – noted, justice does not operate in isolation and decisions must be made within an expansive social framework.

Federal Criminal Defense

Federal crimes are usually prosecuted in federal court, where federal prosecutors have access to more resources to build cases against defendants. Prosecutions usually include serious charges with harsher penalties than similar state offenses, and suspects may receive “target letters” advising them they are under federal investigation.

If you have been charged with a federal crime, it is critical to seek legal advice as soon as possible. Phil Stein and the team at SRC Law Group LLC possess extensive legal expertise, and will do everything possible to defend your rights and interests.

Before hiring a criminal defense lawyer like Mitchell Cozad, it is crucial to evaluate their track record, knowledge of federal law and commitment to their clients. An experienced and committed attorney will devise a tailored legal strategy tailored specifically for your circumstances and evidence while remaining creative enough to come up with compelling legal arguments on your behalf.

Your legal defense depends heavily on the quality and quantity of evidence in your case, including DNA, ballistics, chemical analysis, crime scene processing and computer/phone forensics. A competent and experienced attorney should know how best to interpret this evidence using current technology and equipment.

State violations account for most crimes prosecuted in the US; however, there are also many federal offenses which individuals can commit and face prosecution. Federal prosecutions are handled by federal prosecutors and may include crimes such as drug trafficking across state lines, terrorism, money laundering, weapons violations and immigration offenses.

If found guilty of federal crimes, defendants could face longer prison terms than would be handed out by state courts. When this occurs, criminal defense lawyers must be prepared to demonstrate that either their client was not violating any federal laws or that there is insufficient evidence against him/her to justify this charge against them.

At trial, a criminal defense attorney will present witness testimony and evidence to the jury, who will then decide if their client is guilty or innocent of the federal offense charged against them. If found guilty, however, their criminal defense lawyer can negotiate for a reduced sentence or have charges dismissed altogether.

Weapons Charges

Weapons charges often carry severe repercussions, including prison time. Charges may be filed on either the state or federal levels and the severity of punishment can differ depending on circumstances surrounding an individual’s arrest. A Boston weapons crime lawyer can offer aggressive legal representation that helps defend their client’s rights and liberties.

Weapon offenses involve illegal possession of firearms, knives, brass knuckles, or any other item which could be used for unlawful acts. Many individuals charged with these offenses do not have prior criminal histories and the type of weapon involved and intent of its user can have a profound effect on charges and potential penalties they could face.

People caught carrying weapons face jail terms of 2.5 years in a house of correction or five years in state prison if convicted, while if other types of crimes such as robbery involve weapons they can increase that sentence accordingly.

One of the primary defenses available to individuals charged with weapons offenses is contesting whether police legally conducted a search that led to their discovery of the weapon in question. A New York gun lawyer can assess if police conducted their search lawfully and identify whether any evidence obtained illegally.

Asserting that an individual had constructive possession of the weapon is also a common strategy used by defendants in order to dismiss cases if prosecution cannot prove that defendant knew about and controlled said weapon. This strategy often results in case dismissal.

No matter the circumstances, an experienced criminal attorney can fight hard on behalf of their client during plea negotiations and ensure any agreement reached is fair and in their client’s best interests. They may also work to reduce weapon-related charges by encouraging responsible gun ownership and advocating for stronger gun laws – thus helping create an atmosphere where personal liberty and public safety coexist peacefully.


Misdemeanors are considered less serious crimes, with punishment typically consisting of fines and/or less than one year in jail time for their perpetration. By comparison, felonies may result in years or decades in prison time – with misdemeanors typically consisting of nonviolent conduct while felonies typically involving violent crime or drug sales as underlying issues.

While federal law may set forth certain criminal offenses that qualify as either misdemeanors or felonies, states have considerable leeway when classifying and punishing these acts. Most define misdemeanors and felonies into categories like Class A misdemeanors, Class B misdemeanors and Class C misdemeanors before doling out penalties on an incident-by-incident basis.

State laws generally include specific definitions for these categories as well as crimes that can rise to misdemeanor or felony status based on aggravating factors like damages caused and victim status; oftentimes this latter factor plays an outsized role – for example grand larceny can become felonious when committed against certain groups such as law enforcement officers, minors or seniors.

In some states, such as New York, judges can make adjustments for certain crimes that would otherwise rise to felony status if they believe the offender deserves being treated as misdemeanor due to various factors like having no prior criminal history or good behavior in their past.

Hiring an experienced criminal defense attorney could be your key to having misdemeanor charges reduced or dismissed altogether. A good defense lawyer will use various legal strategies and courthouse contacts to get charges dropped; plus they should know which judge and prosecutor will be involved as they approach your trial case.


Felonies are more serious offenses than misdemeanors and typically incur longer jail terms and larger monetary fines as penalties. Examples of felonies include murder, armed robbery, drug trafficking and possession of firearms as well as creating, collecting or distributing child pornographic material or multiple DUI convictions which fall within this category.

State governments possess more authority to define and classify crimes as well as determine their punishment than federal institutions do, often classifying felonies and misdemeanors differently depending on which state it takes place in. Some states have downgraded shoplifting from being classified as a felony offense to simply misdemeanor status while other still classify marijuana possession as felonies.

State felonies typically result in prison sentences; however, other penalties such as probation and restitution to victims may also apply. Individuals convicted of felonies may lose voting rights, jury duty obligations and professional licenses or housing options as a result. They may also need to serve a mandatory minimum sentence set by their state’s legislature.

Many states have also passed three-strike laws that impose harsher punishments for repeat offenders, for instance someone committing their third serious felony crime will usually receive an extremely long prison term, possibly life imprisonment.

Federal felonies, on the other hand, are handled in federal district courts and one of more than 90 U.S. Courts of Appeals. A lawyer familiar with these venues and how they work can provide invaluable legal expertise during every stage of trial proceedings by providing guidance, legal support, and providing expert legal opinion during every step. Not only can such lawyers defend clients’ cases efficiently but they may also ensure all necessary procedures and rules apply in each venue allowing the defendant to prepare their defense case as efficiently as possible.